upward mobility - tradução para alemão
Dicionário Online

upward mobility - tradução para alemão

Upward mobility; Vertical mobility; Flexible class system; Social Mobility; Intergenerational mobility; Class mobility; Downward Mobility; Downward mobility; Intergenerational Mobility; Inter-generational mobility; Generational mobility; Upward social mobility; Upwardly mobile; Social mobility index; Wealth mobility; Education and social mobility
  • url-status=live }}</ref>
  • Structural equation model of the direct and indirect influence of childhood position and IQ upon social status attainment at mid-life. All parameters significant (p<.05)<ref name="Deary_2005"/>
  • Illustration from a 1916 advertisement for a vocational school in the back of a US magazine. Education has been seen as a key to social mobility and the advertisement appealed to Americans' belief in the possibility of self-betterment as well as threatening the consequences of downward mobility in the great [[income inequality]] existing during the [[Industrial Revolution]].
  • Comparison of social mobility in selected countries (fraction of children from poor families growing up to be poor adults)
  • date=January 2020}}</ref>
  • Great Gatsby Curve
  • doi-access=free }}</ref>

upward mobility         
Aufwärtsbeweglichkeit (die Sozioökonomische Lage verbessern)
labor mobility         
Labour mobility; Mobility of labour; Regional mobility; Occupational mobility
Beweglichkeit der Arbeitskraft (Fähigkeit andere Aufgaben und/oder anderen Arbeitsplatz zu übernehmen)
social mobility         
soziale Aktivierung (die Möglichkeit den Status zu ändern)


·noun A heap. ·see Tas.


Social mobility

Social mobility is the movement of individuals, families, households or other categories of people within or between social strata in a society. It is a change in social status relative to one's current social location within a given society. This movement occurs between layers or tiers in an open system of social stratification. Open stratification systems are those in which at least some value is given to achieved status characteristics in a society. The movement can be in a downward or upward direction. Markers for social mobility such as education and class, are used to predict, discuss and learn more about an individual or a group's mobility in society.

Exemplos de pronúncia para upward mobility
1. in upward mobility.
2. of upward mobility.
Visualizing the American Dream _ Raj Chetty _ Talks at Google
3. of upward mobility.
Visualizing the American Dream _ Raj Chetty _ Talks at Google
4. low levels of upward mobility?
Visualizing the American Dream _ Raj Chetty _ Talks at Google
5. about the incredible upward mobility
John Lewis _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para upward mobility
1. This Government despises individuality and upward mobility.
2. The key to keeping people interested in city living is the idea of upward mobility.
3. And Bush and Rove sold them the old Main Street Republican approach of upward mobility into the middle class.
4. "Before then salaries were very low, goods and services were very limited, people didn‘t aspire very much to money, there was not much upward mobility.
5. Max‘s uncle Abe and father Caleb each have a dream of upward mobility, of surpassing their father and then being surpassed by the next generation.